Saturday, June 20, 2015

Are you covering up your dreams with your daily grind?

Are you covering up your dreams with your daily grind? It is too easy to get caught up in to do lists, work responsibilities, home improvement projects, bills, taxes, relationship drama and many other things and lose focus on our goals.  Especially long term goals.  Waiting for that perfect moment and just the right time to get started or make a move.  Those perfect moments are rare and very rarely do we recognize them when they appear.  Very often opportunity is hidden in a pile of work!  Not too many people get excited when a fresh pile of work comes there way, but maybe that needs to change!  Maybe you need to race to the bottom of every pile of work seeking those nuggets of opportunity!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Be true to yourself!

In life there is always the temptation to seek the approval of your peers.  It makes no difference if you are in school, at a job, out at a social event or home with family there are always going to be moments when you have to chose between acting or doing things the way that will please others or how you believe is right.  I know from experience that it is never worth it to be a people pleaser!  You must be true to yourself.  You are responsible for your actions and to give up the decision making power for those actions to someone else is just plains stupid! If they offer some information or insight and it changes your mind, then by all means make the necessary corrections to your thinking and act accordingly, but don't change just to make them happy or in an attempt to win their approval.  Most people won't respect you anyway!  They will just view you as a pushover and laugh at you and your lack of backbone when you are not around.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Determination & Satisfaction!

Start your day with the determination to exceed all of your goals!  To push through tired moments.  To break out of distraction traps and climb over would be time wasters! Move through your day with the determination and confidence of a winner! If you do this you can end your day with the sweet sweet sleep of satisfaction from a day will lived!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Never settle!

Never settle for second best!  Always push on towards your ultimate goal.  You will always wonder what could have been and regret not trying.  You owe it to yourself to do your best.